Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fomenting Angst in United States via U.S. Senator

Fomenting Angst via United States Senator

This shouldn't be happening by any means❗❗ 

A very serious problem exists in this nation called 'America'. (There is a Central-America, South America and the United States is in North America. The North American Continent includes the United States, Mexico and Canada. 
When we say America in the United States, do we fail to realize, we live on this Continent. 
Central America is the southernmost portion of North America, it lies between the U. S. and Mexico; it includes the countries of Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Belize. 
So then, it is become evident that operatives in our Country, would rather see the United States derailed into chaos, by fomenting angst between the Races, Nationalities, Religions(Faith), Class(economic & social).

These people are in authority positions, affecting folk across every societal caste, these "affectors" are born and raised in the United States. Senator John N. Kennedy of Louisiana is one of those people on the national level in the United States. 
The hatred stirred in Ohio against Haitians by Donald Trump, and exacerbated by J. D. Vance has affected the "barometer of racist discourse" negatively. 
Just because Israel 'was' at War with Hamas in GAZA, and have now escalated the carnage into "the so-called West Bank" of occupied Palestine doesn't give right to disdainfully, ravagely speak towards an  Arab woman in a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C., in 2024 in September.  
And, the farce in Louisiana of caring about the 10 Commandments, knowing there are other faiths in the public schools, is hypocritically misusing the Lord's Word. 
But, the Governor of Louisiana, declared early in his candidacy of the state being a MAGA Red state. 

What Will the End of All This Be? 

The Justice We Need

Thursday, February 22, 2024

La. govermental 'Super-majority' ramrods the DIXIE-WAY

The Justice We Need
A so-called 'super-majority' in the governance of  the State of Louisiana is in process in Baton Rouge. Jeff Landry's Crime Session will authorize "Constitutional Carry Law & reinstitute the death-penalty". The steam-rolled 2nd extraordinary special session is beyond the high-jinx of yesteryears' dixie-styled 'latent confederacy'. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Remedy: WE CAN'T WAIT

The Remedy: We Can't Wait
The Justice We Need 
The why we can't wait is because, we must begin immediately to re-arrange the current state of affairs in our communities and neighborhoods. 
Our childrens' lives and futures are at stake. The thing is to rollback the progresses that have been made in the last ninety years.  Yes, 90 years! 
The processes have already begun. 
And, the America that is sought so vigourously, leaves regular american-born citizens out of the equation.  And punishes them. The people must be warned and the alarm must be sounded; and the powerful, the rich and the well-connected are leaving the impoverished in the fog of their inaction. The GOP super-majority  
in the Louisiana Legislature, set on maintaining it's razor thin majority in the United States Congress' House of Representatives, is deal making with 'wickedness in high places'.
In past times powerbrokers in the state insisted on 'states rights' as a momentum talking point.  Now, the same folks are brokering for the swamp dwellers in Washington, D. C. 
It is a sad commentary, that the premier banana-republic is decidedly in subjection to D. C. Beltway practices to keep from 'caveing-in' as one Republican operative put it, in Louisiana Legislative committee hearings on redistricting. And just because, a man who told followers of  'stop-the-steal' rallyers led by political operative Ali Alexander; to march down to the Capitol, and demand then Vice-President Mike Pence do the right thing; is yet running to lead a supremacist ideological regime from the American Capitol doesn't mean we will all bow or acquiesce. 
In Louisiana, those who want to believe in 'a democracy' must educate our folk, that a democracy doesn't beat folk over the head with nuanced rhetoric, sham and gaslight folk with underhanded 'upperhandness' as in the conservative fueled "plurality of votes" instead of the majority vote 50-percent-plus-1(one).
A plurality of votes(top-vote-getter) is not democracy, it is circumvention. 
Black folk need to know this.
Then, the young white female republican legislator, decried it would be up to the candidate to advise the people of the changes in voting procedures. *Voter suppression through 'dilution' and disillusion. Because of voter apathy and poor leadership marshaling the troops, we have a governor who sought to dilute black voter strength by seeking to change what constitutes being Black. 
In addition, along with social-media actions, hands-on actions must occur; street actions, rec-center, church fellowship hall events; flyers, mailings, print ads in weekly/daily newspapers, equal TV time for PSA's etc., plus the regular fish-fries, barbecues, hotdog 'outreach' to reactivate Our People in the name of Jesus Christ, and all that is called God.

24Jan24 1036hrs

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Incarcerated-[nCoViD-19] coronaVIRUS Louisiana 4thjdc

The Justice We Need

The Incarcerated's plight in the midst of the so-called Novel Coronavirus of 2019 [nCoViD-19] is replete with disease and lack of responsiveness to the health issues the CDC, Louisiana Department of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) are recommending for human beings during this outbreak of the virus.
In addition the Governor of Louisiana has taken a prominent role in the response to the disease in this state, with a national impact.  In fact, a federal emergency declaration is in place for the state of Louisiana.
However, there is great reason to believe prisoners in jail facilities in Louisiana parishes are not provided effective procedures needed to prevent contraction of the disease. In fact, the Louisiana ACLU has "sounded" the alarm to possible incompatible varied conditions. Conditions inclusive of hygiene and proximity, which could be "cruel & unusual treatment" under the present worldwide health conditions.
Furthermore, Louisiana's justice reforms are not compatible with certain prosecutorial actions in 'Louisiana's Fourth Judicial Court in Morehouse Parish'.  
In fact, specifically while state judicial systems, through both the Executive and Legislative branches are pursuing restorative justice methodologies, officials in Morehouse parish are not.  Perjured testimony is accepted, in order to prosecute targeted individuals. 
Generally, while it is the state's initiative to "decrease the number of people in prison" it is evidently not a state wide goal. 

The Fair Punishment Project recommended 'focusing habitual offender penalties on more serious crimes.'  
Governor John bel Edwards,  State Senator Katrina Jackson, State Representative Edward C. "Ted" James & others are  requested to help in these matters as citizens and human beings in their capacity to aid this action. 

An action is required, because of the impact needed to rectify what is a systemic problem.  Individuals, who manipulate the system and others for personal reasons must come to an end.  In Northeast Louisiana rural areas are consistently, pushed further in to corners educationally, socio-economicly & politcally.  If not for the pandemic the Louisiana Legislature's House Education Committee, would be considering a report, from the Louisiana Department of Education's recommendation that six (6) rural school district be combined. 
The facilities in Morehouse parish are delapidated and decaying after closure. 
This is a justice issue. It systematically deprives children the opportunity to attend local schools, interferes with appropriate sleep, rest and recreation. Causing the student to overeact, react and become "behaviorally problematic" and likely shifted into the judicial system.
Forced in to new school environments students are subjected to undue pressure from teachers and others.

Thusly, a clearinghouse for these matters must be attained immediately. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Undoing of A People Living lies false Narrative

The Justice We Need ~| So then, we took on the mannerism of a societal assimilation, that was designed to destroy a people under any circumstance. 

Thinking yourself out of sync with God, because of the abandonment of actual roots, brought on by eurocentric manipulation. 

Malachi 2:16a New Living Translation is "For I hate Divorce! says the Lord God of Israel." 

The same verse in the King James Version is "For the Lord God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away:" Some call Willie 

Lynchism a hoax. 

But in actuality the activeness of the theory is prevalent in black family relationships. Eventhough in the early seventies & late sixties, the american government required, disabled male-headed families seeking "governmment-assistance", that if they had underage daughters to have them "fixed" to not have children.

Not only that, but with the invention of "welfare", not even a stitch of male clothes could be found in a welfare-house. 

In marriages in accordance with the willie-lynchism model, a system of competition was to be implemented, when in fact the goal was to implement a non-biblical based household where the man was not the leader of the family. 

It is an ongoing process, with demoralizing affect. It grieves God Almighty when we harden our hearts and break a covenant that he created. 
It was affected so that a parent, the mother would teach a child the same methods, push upon them by the previous model of undoing of  reality. Basically divide & conquer was a prime methodology of the mechanisms.

The methods are in every area of life. In business, recreation, personal, political, religion and deviancy. Separation of families was the taking apart and implanting the tendency and replanting the tendency to separate from the person you wanted in your life.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Continual Manifestation of Bigotry & HATRED

Local Elementary Students Discriminated Against!!!
A report has been made, that a Parish Elementary School is discriminating against Black Students.
 ~(-The suspected school is Jack Hayes Elementary -)~
There is a continual manifestation of institutional of institutional racism in every area of American Society. Local, National and Internationally.  It is the destroying continually of the moral fabric of this humanity on earth.  
Internationally the American President is broadcasting racial discord.  It is leaking and re-igniting old line tendencies in all rural lifestyles. 

We are openly stating these conditions, because employees are working at the Monroe, Louisiana school in fear.  

While the state government is lining-up with the racist, fear-mongering Trump Regime, to return Louisiana's poor to a group of drooling disabled citizens, crippling their way to increased bus fares in order to receive medicaid.

Crippling Students
Teachers are instructing on the basis of "keep it white" demeaning black students to not receive optimum education.  It seems like pre-1954 to 1970.  In an elementary school setting to at a Ouachita Parish System School, students are regularly demeaned.  

Recently in Winnsboro, Louisiana's branch of Louisiana Delta Community College the local media has outlined a similar circumstance.  

KNOE News 8  ran a story yesterday about answers to a test given to "white-students-only". 

Now, this is manifesting because of the current trends of the Trump Administration to return to yesteryear and the days of discrimination against racial minorities.  

Saturday, November 11, 2017

So That We May Be Clear

The Justice We Need  So that we may be clear on this matter.
 It is imperative that what must be admitted to, is that this problem is a spiritual problem. If the problem was merely, physical and mechanical it could be solved with human actions.
But as of this date, no human action has caused any resultive action that resolves the issue. 

On the surface, the issue appears to be about the actions of individuals, singularly depraved, for one reason or the other.  It is not accurate to claim this as 'black on black'; for which I must withdraw from its use, excepting only as a reference to our desire to rise and be above, the indiscriminate "killings of ourselves as a People". 

The factual research indicates murder and killing of any racial background is generally by its own race, percentage-ly.  So, this is not about race, if, more than lifestyle.   

CommonWealth for a Free Moral Society,  has a  piece on this issue concerning Bastrop's adjacent city Monroe, Louisiana. In one week there has been enough killing and death for a lifetime.  A man was shot dead in a residential driveway on the way to work. A child of 5 years of age, was found sitting in a chair dead, Saturday morning at 6am. 
As the undercurrents rip through the communities, the death spiral continues. In preparing for Service Sunday Morning, 5 sirens passed the Church before 9:30. Another human was shot & killed, we came to know the following day. 
Furtherly, in other aspects of the death spiral a permissive environment has engrafted itself into society, beginning specifically with the Trayvon Martin killing. Now in 2017 the Sutherland Springs, Texas church shootings, and the subsequent killing of the murderous perpetrator will further desensitize the death spiral.

A new open season. No place is safe.  No one has been arrested in the 5 year-old girls murder on Saturday morning November 3rd, or the Demontrail Lollie murder.  There has been no adjudication in other killings in Bastrop. 

On August 23, 2017 18-year old Roderick Adams was arrested in the August 2016 murder of  Raymerio Lee.

There is no cessation in adjacent towns and cities.

I surely Pray that the Lord would give intelligent strength to do what must be done, Amen. 
As an addendum, A 2014 Bastrop Case is still ongoing.