A report has been made, that a Parish Elementary School is discriminating against Black Students.
~(-The suspected school is Jack Hayes Elementary -)~
There is a continual manifestation of institutional of institutional racism in every area of American Society. Local, National and Internationally. It is the destroying continually of the moral fabric of this humanity on earth.
Internationally the American President is broadcasting racial discord. It is leaking and re-igniting old line tendencies in all rural lifestyles.
We are openly stating these conditions, because employees are working at the Monroe, Louisiana school in fear.
While the state government is lining-up with the racist, fear-mongering Trump Regime, to return Louisiana's poor to a group of drooling disabled citizens, crippling their way to increased bus fares in order to receive medicaid.
Crippling Students
Teachers are instructing on the basis of "keep it white" demeaning black students to not receive optimum education. It seems like pre-1954 to 1970. In an elementary school setting to at a Ouachita Parish System School, students are regularly demeaned.
Recently in Winnsboro, Louisiana's branch of Louisiana Delta Community College the local media has outlined a similar circumstance.
KNOE News 8 ran a story yesterday about answers to a test given to "white-students-only".
Now, this is manifesting because of the current trends of the Trump Administration to return to yesteryear and the days of discrimination against racial minorities.