In the grocery store taxes are up. The state of Louisiana has become a de facto "debtors prison" of mental and emotional incarceration; leaving many of the severely-impoverished, prisoners of state-sanctioned torture.
This government-created sub-class are very much aware, their only out of this quagmire is the grave; all the while "the state of Louisiana figures a new way of increasing its incarceration rolls"! "Sanctuary cities laws" is a new tool to 'profile' browns, blacks and less than chalk white, citizens.
While the nation is in an uproar about "not where you can drink water, but where you can release "water"; Louisiana is prepping for fuller prisons.
The term "sanctuary city" has no legal meaning, but it's become a rallying cry for many with concerns about illegal immigration.
It generally refers to municipalities that have established policies prohibiting police officers from enforcing immigration laws or cooperating with federal immigration officials.
Texas law states that police officers generally cannot arrest people without probable cause of a crime, and immigration violations often are civil matters, not criminal cases.
Some think Houston is a sanctuary city, while others — including the region's top immigration enforcement official — reject that.
Just more than half of the voters said they would disapprove of accepting Syrian refugees into Texas even with a security clearance process in place. Another 36 percent said they would accept those refugees.
In Louisiana , a new group of "illegals" are emerging. Sanctuary Cities are the tip of this iceberg. Recently, criminalized citizens through the Office of Debt Recovery, has this underclass of "newly legislated illegals" on the road to becoming fugitives and refugees.
All the while, a former republican governor is free, after submerging the State Of Louisiana in a Katrinaest "financial flood of despair."
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