The Remedy: We Can't Wait
The Justice We Need 
Our childrens' lives and futures are at stake. The thing is to rollback the progresses that have been made in the last ninety years. Yes, 90 years!
The processes have already begun.
And, the America that is sought so vigourously, leaves regular american-born citizens out of the equation. And punishes them. The people must be warned and the alarm must be sounded; and the powerful, the rich and the well-connected are leaving the impoverished in the fog of their inaction. The GOP super-majority in the Louisiana Legislature, set on maintaining it's razor thin majority in the United States Congress' House of Representatives, is deal making with 'wickedness in high places'.
In past times powerbrokers in the state insisted on 'states rights' as a momentum talking point. Now, the same folks are brokering for the swamp dwellers in Washington, D. C.
It is a sad commentary, that the premier banana-republic is decidedly in subjection to D. C. Beltway practices to keep from 'caveing-in' as one Republican operative put it, in Louisiana Legislative committee hearings on redistricting. And just because, a man who told followers of 'stop-the-steal' rallyers led by political operative Ali Alexander; to march down to the Capitol, and demand then Vice-President Mike Pence do the right thing; is yet running to lead a supremacist ideological regime from the American Capitol doesn't mean we will all bow or acquiesce.
In Louisiana, those who want to believe in 'a democracy' must educate our folk, that a democracy doesn't beat folk over the head with nuanced rhetoric, sham and gaslight folk with underhanded 'upperhandness' as in the conservative fueled "plurality of votes" instead of the majority vote 50-percent-plus-1(one).
A plurality of votes(top-vote-getter) is not democracy, it is circumvention.
Black folk need to know this.
Then, the young white female republican legislator, decried it would be up to the candidate to advise the people of the changes in voting procedures. *Voter suppression through 'dilution' and disillusion. Because of voter apathy and poor leadership marshaling the troops, we have a governor who sought to dilute black voter strength by seeking to change what constitutes being Black.
In addition, along with social-media actions, hands-on actions must occur; street actions, rec-center, church fellowship hall events; flyers, mailings, print ads in weekly/daily newspapers, equal TV time for PSA's etc., plus the regular fish-fries, barbecues, hotdog 'outreach' to reactivate Our People in the name of Jesus Christ, and all that is called God.
24Jan24 1036hrs
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